3 spots left (7 years)

game on!
Cancel position up to 12 hours before game without penalty

Holiday Season Soccer Game

Thu, Dec 28
Field House 3 (Indoor)
RIM Park (Artificial Grass)
Cost, Location, Details
18+ Ages
Not Ref'd
Additional Info:

Welcome to WATERLOO'S OWN PickupHub Full Field Soccer Games.

We look forward to connecting the playing community through PickupHub and not only supporting but developing this program into a strong weekday activity.

You are required to pick up your Admission Wristband at RIM Park customer service prior to game play and wear it on your body for the game day/time purchased. We will remove players during game play if you do not have your wrist band. It is a visual receipt of payment and not an option.

Game that reach participation numbers that include substitute players should fairly rotate players on / off the pitch. Using the posted time of day clock players WILL BE REQUIRED to sub in sideline players every 5 minutes. Players need to manage this rotational effort and respect that everyone has paid to play. This will result in fair distribution of field time.

Questions about this program direction and additional times / days of the week for game options can be directed to Jim Zuber at jim.zuber@waterloo.ca or 519-884-5363 #17239

Read more
Field House 3
RIM Park
2001 University Ave East, Waterloo, Ontario
Map Location

3 spots left (7 years)

game on!
Cancel position up to 12 hours before game without penalty
Black Team
7 Players
Black Team
7 Players
J. R.

James Rohrer

Yass Celik

Ivan Samchuk

Raas Siddiqui

M. R.

Matt R.

Yaya Sanogo

A. R.

Asad Raza

White Team
7 Players
White Team
7 Players

Branislav Sisljagic

Adrian Martin

Adam D

Sanjith Chandran

A. R.

Adeel Raza