Acknowledgement of Risks and Responsibilities for Drop-In Shinny Programming: 1. The activities involved in the program are dangerous. I risk the chance of serious injury or death through my participation. 2. I believe that I am physically, emotionally and mentally able to fully participate in this program and as such have given their unqualified permission for me to take part. 3. I am familiar with and will follow all the applicable rules for participation in the program. 4. My equipment is mechanically fit and suitable for my use in the program. 5. I understand that at all times during my participation in this program, I have sole responsibility for my safety. 6. If, during the course of my participation in this program: A. I learn or become aware of a change in my health, physical, emotional or mental condition, or B. I feel unsafe or threatened for any reason, or C. I notice anything unsafe about the program, I will immediately stop participating and take full responsibility for my actions and behaviour.